Low temperature glycol chiller systems with vast cold water temperature range from -35°C to 50°C
Glycol Chillers for Glycol Beer Chilling
The making of craft brewery is an amazing biochemical process. The malted barley is crushed and fed into a mash tun, then into lauter tun where water is added at specific temperature. This mixture of crushed malt and water is called mash. Once complete, the mash is lautered and then transferred to a sterilized brew kettle, in which the wort is then boiled, concentrated and hops are added for flavor and aroma. So the effective way to maintain stable temperature during the process is utilize glycol chillers.
After boiling process, hop material and protein sediments are removed in the whirlpool process. The wort is then cooled down to a temperature for fermentation, usually firstly cooled by plate heat exchanger and secondly cooled by chilled water supplied by glycol brewery chillers.
Why Glycol Chillers?
Temperature is the most important to keep the special flavor of wine, so it is critical to the processing of craft beer brewing. The mashing process requires high temperature to convert malt into sugar. Then mash needs to be chilled down before fermentation. Also, low temperature is required during fermentation process, and this can be achieved by glycol chillers.

Glycol Chillers Normally for What?
Our glycol chiller systems are normally used for wort cooling, temperature controlling during fermentation, cooling vessels / tun, pre-packaging cooling and storage cooling, as well as other applications in fermented craft beverages.